7 Best Rat Poisons at Home Depot in 2022: Reviews & Top Picks
Table of Content What is the history of bird poisons? What are the Other Methods to Cull Pigeons? Harris All Weather Rat and Mouse Killer First Ever Bird Control App They are very safe in that they are water proof and fire resistant. Yes, shooting pigeons is sometimes an acceptable method of control but there are many different limitations. First and foremost, shooting in an urban area is prohibited – the police will come even for an air rifle. The one major problem with this option is that virtually any small animal can become a nice tasty meal for the hawk or falcon. Irrespective of the legality, you risk severe public outrage from the community and others that value birds, even pigeons. Furthermore, the potential for non-target poisoning of other birds, pets or even children, is an unacceptable risk. Prior to the advent of less toxic substances, thallium was used to poison birds and rodents. Some will even use antifreeze to poison birds, although this method is illegal and s...